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  • The Ultimate List of Hypnosis Sessions to Improve Your Business and Life

    Many high-performing CEOs, presidents, entrepreneurs and sports stars use hypnosis to quickly and permanently change their subconscious. Prominent examples include Barack Obama, Tiger Woods, Tony Robbins, Ellen DeGeneres and Kevin Costner to name just a few. 

    You can use hypnosis to boost your performance in practically any area of your business or life. We have compiled the below categories for you to have a browse through and select whatever takes your interest.

    All hypnosis sessions have a downloadable MP3 and have been carefully curated by industry-leading hypnotherapists who have a 4.6 out of 5 satisfaction rating based on 603 ratings and they started business in 1995. They also have a 90 day money back guarantee for your peace of mind.



    Self Confidence Hypnosis Sessions

    Build confidence quickly, comfortably and effectively with gentle, permissive hypnosis.

    For building self confidence, hypnosis is an invaluable tool. In hypnosis, you can ‘step out’ of your everyday way of thinking and feeling, and enter a world where you are just as confident as you want to be. And your unconscious mind will learn from this.

    Using hypnosis for self confidence like this means you can lay down a ‘blueprint’ for how you want to feel and behave in situations that you may previously have found difficult, stressful or anxiety-making.


    Communication Skills

    Communication skills are essential to the success of every kind of relationship and interaction. Whether you’re dealing with family, friends, colleagues, strangers, officials, superiors, subordinates or children, and whatever their own abilities in communication, you need to be able to comfortably say what you need, in the right way, at the right time, so as to get the best possible result from every encounter. And you also need to be able to take in and deal with what others are saying to you.

    Once you’ve learned the basics of how to talk, which most of us master in childhood, you don’t get much further help with how to communicate better. It’s a hit and miss, trial and error business – and it can leave many people struggling, wondering why they can’t get on with others, or get their needs properly met.

    Self hypnosis is a wonderful and easy way to build up your communication skills. Our range of communication downloads offers you really effective help in making good any shortfall in how you handle social interaction, or in enhancing what you already do well so that you can enjoy communicating with others even more.


    Dealing with Difficult People

    We all know people we would describe as ‘difficult’. Difficult people can range from the mildly irritating to the totally impossible-to-deal-with. If you have one or more of the latter kind in your life, you can experience a great deal of stress and worry that you would rather be without.

    Our Dealing with Difficult People range of hypnosis downloads is designed to give you effective new strategies and skills to make handling those tricky types easier. And it’s not just about managing the relationship better on the surface – it’s also about reducing the real impact these people have on your life.

    Once you have listened to your Difficult People session, you will find that the next encounter with that person is somehow just much easier and perhaps even productive.


    Emotional Intelligence

    If you want to set about developing emotional intelligence to get on better with others, feel happier in yourself and get more out of life, we have a wide range of self hypnosis audios to help.

    Emotions are a fundamental part of being human – they make us who we are. But emotions are not something that we consciously control. They are our instant, unconscious, total body/mind response to whatever is happening around us – NOW. Emotions precede thought (contrary to popular belief). Our conscious minds invent rationalizations for what we feel after the event.

    This doesn’t mean you are totally at the mercy of your emotions.

    Emotions are the drivers that get us to take action and get our fundamental needs met. When you understand this function, and you understand what your fundamental needs really are, you can bring together your conscious and unconscious efforts to make the most of life. This reduces the inner conflicts that make life so difficult.

    And when inner conflicts are reduced, outer relationships also go more smoothly. That’s what developing emotional intelligence does for you.


    Motivation and Inspiration

    Get energized and inspired with our advanced self hypnosis audios.

    Is it a struggle to get out of bed in the morning? Where do you get your motivation and inspiration? Did you know that hypnosis is one of the most powerful ways to boost your enthusiasm for life and inspire you to great things?

    How can it do this?

    When you go into hypnosis, and relax really deeply, you become detached from your ‘everyday mind’ with its fixed patterns and its regular burdens that grind you down. Your mind literally ‘opens up’, ready to receive new insights and create new perspectives.

    Our hypnosis downloads for motivation and inspiration are focused specifically on taking you ‘out of yourself’. This enables you to see your whole life, or your current situation, in totally new ways. You’ll learn ways to boost your energy and fire up your creativity and life will never be the same again.


    Personal Productivity

    How can you increase personal productivity and get better results from your daily efforts? Getting more done – and done effectively – is a matter of finding the right mix of motivation, determination, organization, creativity and discipline. This will help you fend off the gremlins of lethargy, procrastination, defeatism, self sabotage, ‘blocks’ and lack of focus that can prevent you from getting to your goals.

    Hypnosis is a great tool for boosting productivity, as it works directly on the unconscious drivers that really influence what you do every day. It’s true that you need will power, but will power is pretty ‘powerless’ if you haven’t got your unconscious motivation in order!

    The table below shows our range of hypnosis session to increase personal productivity. You’re sure to find one that will deal with your particular productivity gremlins, once and for all.


    Stress Management

    Stress management is not just a matter of relaxation, although knowing how to relax can certainly help. Nor is it a matter of aiming to have no stress at all. Stress is essential. If you didn’t have any, ever, you would never grow, never develop, never learn anything new, never change and probably die of boredom.

    But too much strain and tension in your life can be pretty damaging too, leading to exhaustion, anxiety, depression and physical illness. The stress management hypnosis sessions below will provide you with a complete ‘toolkit’ for dealing with the pressures of life – both the avoidable and the unavoidable.

    Life is so much more enjoyable when stress stops being a burden and becomes the incentive to growth and development that it should be. Let hypnosis show you how.


    Relaxation Techniques

    Self hypnosis sessions with deep relaxation techniques to rest, refresh and reinvigorate you.

    Of all the relaxation techniques and methods you could use, hypnosis and guided imagery are far and away the most effective – and fast. And when you combine hypnosis with other ways of relaxing that you already use, you have a mightily potent elixir of invigoration!

    The real benefit of using these hypnosis session for relaxation techniques is that it allows you – easily and effortlessly – to teach your own mind how to achieve really deep relaxation very quickly. Even if you only have five minutes to spare, you can give yourself the equivalent of an hour’s deep rest. Think what a difference that could make to your day!

    Whether you want to know how to learn progressive muscle relaxation to fall asleep quickly, or just enjoy at-home relaxation therapy to boost your energy, motivation and concentration, one of our relaxation sessions is just right for you.


    Social Anxiety

    Social anxiety can be crippling. It stops you getting what you need the most – friends and human contact. Luckily, hypnotherapy for social anxiety can be highly effective, because relaxed, calm hypnosis trains the brain how to be calm around people.

    Using hypnosis, you can quickly and easily learn how to get on with just being yourself, and stop being self conscious about how others might see you.

    Whatever is holding you back from getting the most out of your social life, or from having a social life at all, one of our hypnosis downloads for social anxiety will soon put you on the right track.

    You can build up your motivation to get socializing and overcome shyness and even blushing or nervous laughter. With our advanced hypnotherapy sessions we’ll get you over the unconscious programming that’s made you feel so awkward in the past so you can get out and really enjoy being yourself with other people.


    Sleep Problems

    Choose from our range of gentle, soothing self hypnosis sessions for overcoming sleep problems and getting a really good night’s rest.

    Everybody takes sleep for granted. Until problems appear. Then you can think of little else. And the more you think about sleep, and the harder you try to sleep, the less sleep you tend to get. This is where sleep hypnosis comes in.

    When we sleep naturally, we ‘fall’ asleep. We don’t try to sleep, or force ourselves to sleep. But once you’re in the viscious circle of trying to sleep and not being able to, it can be very difficult to escape. Hypnosis ‘resets’ your natural sleep ability, calming your conscious mind and letting your unconscious mind get on with its job.

    Sleep habits are very responsive to hypnotic approaches, partially because hypnosis mirrors the natural process of falling asleep. We have a range of hypnosis sessions to overcome sleep problems and help you get that good night’s rest. We’ll help you cut through worrying thoughts, anxious feelings, and anything else that’s getting in the way of your shut eye.

    If you want to fall asleep fast, sleep like a child, and bounce out of bed in the morning, one of our sleep hypnosis sessions will be just right for you.


    Thinking Skills

    Improve your ability to think clearly and avoid cognitive errors with this range of relaxing audios.

    If you really want to change your life and open up the door of opportunity, building thinking skills is one of the most dramatically effective things you can do. It will impact on every area of your life. Bar none. It will help you be more creative, more flexible, more objective, more understanding, more tolerant, more positive, more decisive, more assertive – and that’s just for starters.

    We don’t often think about how we think. Yet ‘how we think’ influences every aspect of what we do and how we feel. If ‘how you think’ is merely a product of what other people have taught you to think, or coerced you into thinking, you may be doing things and feeling things that are just not right for you, or that are actually holding you back in life.

    So it’s a good idea to take full personal charge of the task of building thinking skills – and hypnosis is an ideal tool for quickly developing new habits and styles of thinking that can help you progress to the kind of life you want to lead and be the kind of person you want to be.


    Interpersonal Skills

    Improve how you interact with others with these gentle yet powerful hypnosis audios.

    Getting on with other people ought to be simple. We are all humans together, with much the same attributes and with very much the same feelings. But for many people, even the simple matter of talking to another person can be quite tricky – from knowing how to make eye contact comfortably to gauging just how close to stand (or sit).

    And even if you get those basics right, and know how to ‘make conversation’, what about when you get beyond the basics? How do you go about building rapport with another person? How do you make more friends? Set up a date? How do you stop your own emotions getting in the way?

    All these and many more related issues are covered in our developing interpersonal skills hypnosis downloads, so you are sure to find something to help you relate more easily with all the different people you encounter in your life.


    Fears and Phobias

    It’s good to know that you can easily overcome fears and phobias with hypnosis, because such anxieties are extremely common. More than 10% of people will experience a simple phobia at some time in their lives. From elevators, spiders and birds, to heights, dentists and open spaces, there is nothing we can’t develop anxiety or phobias about.

    But you’re not doomed to be stuck with them forever.

    Happily, hypnosis provides an extremely effective cure for these problems as it provides the opposite of anxiety – deep relaxation. At the same time, it teaches the mind a different way of responding to the feared object or situation. Hypnosis for phobias works by detaching the stimulus (trigger object) from the emotional response (fear) and ‘updating’ the brain with a new, more realistic response.


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